
Project setup

In case you want to play with the source code or contribute changes proceed as follows:

  1. Check out the project from GitHub:

    $ git clone
    $ cd pygount
  2. Install poetry.

  3. Create the virtual environment and install the required packages:

    $ poetry install
  4. Install the pre-commit hook:

    $ poetry run pre-commit install


To run the test suite:

$ poetry run pytest

To build and browse the coverage report in HTML format:

$ sh scripts/
$ open htmlcov/index.html  # macOS only


To build the documentation in HTML format:

$ poetry run scripts/
$ open docs/_build/html/index.html  # macOS only

Coding guidelines

The code throughout uses a natural naming schema avoiding abbreviations, even for local variables and parameters.

Many coding guidelines are automatically enforced (and some even fixed automatically) by the pre-commit hook. If you want to check and clean up the code without performing a commit, run:

$ poetry run pre-commit run --all-files

In particular, this applies black, flake8 and isort.

Release cheatsheet

This section only relevant for developers with access to the PyPI project.

To add a new release, first update the pyproject.toml:

version = "1.x.x"

Next build the project and run the tests to ensure everything works:

$ poetry build
$ poetry run pytest

Then create a tag in the repository:

$ git tag -a -m "Tag version 1.x.x" v1.x.x
$ git push --tags

Publish the new version on PyPI:

$ poetry publish

Finally, add a release based on the tag from above to the release page.