

Run and specify the folder to analyze recursively, for example:

$ pygount ~/development/sometool

If you omit the folder, the current folder of your shell is used as starting point. Apart from folders you can also specify single files and shell patterns (using ?, * and ranges like [a-z]).

Certain files and folders are automatically excluded from the analysis:

  • files starting with dot (.) or ending in tilda (~)

  • folders starting with dot (.) or named _svn.

--folders-to-skip LIST
--names-to-skip LIST

To specify alternative patterns, use --folders-to-skip and --names-to-skip. Both take a comma separated list of patterns, see below on the pattern syntax. To for example also prevent folders starting with two underscores (_) from being analyzed, specify --folders-to-skip=[...],__*.

--suffix LIST

To limit the analysis on certain file types, you can specify a comma separated list of suffixes to take into account, for example --suffix=py,sql,xml.

--out FILE

By default the result of the analysis are written to the standard output. To redirect the output to a file, use for example --out=counts.txt.

To explicitly redirect to the standard output specify --out=STDOUT.

--format FORMAT

By default the result of the analysis are written to the standard output in a format similar to sloccount. To redirect the output to a file, use e.g. --out=counts.txt. To change the format to an XML file similar to cloc, use --format=cloc-xml.

To just get a quick grasp of the languages used in a project and their respective importance use --format=summary which provides a language overview and a sum total. For example pygount’s summary looks like this:

Language          Files    %     Code    %     Comment    %
----------------  -----  ------  ----  ------  -------  ------
Python               19   51.35  1924   72.99      322   86.10
reStructuredText      7   18.92   332   12.59        7    1.87
markdown              3    8.11   327   12.41        1    0.27
Batchfile             1    2.70    24    0.91        1    0.27
YAML                  1    2.70    11    0.42        2    0.53
Makefile              1    2.70     9    0.34        7    1.87
INI                   1    2.70     5    0.19        0    0.00
TOML                  1    2.70     4    0.15        0    0.00
Text                  3    8.11     0    0.00       34    9.09
----------------  -----  ------  ----  ------  -------  ------
Sum total            37          2636              374

The summary output is designed for human readers and the column widths adjust to the data.

For further processing the results of pygount, --format=json should be the easiest to deal with. For more information see JSON.

Remote repositories

Additionally to local files, pygount can analyze remote git repositories:

$ pygount

In the background, this creates a shallow clone of the repository in a temporary folder that after the analysis is is removed automatically.

Therefore you need to have at read access to the repository.

If you want to analyze a specific revision, specify it at the end of the URL:

$ pygount

The remote URL supports the git standard protocols: git, HTTP/S and SSH.

$ pygount

You can specify multiple repositories, for example to include both the web application, command line client and docker container of the Weblate project:

$  pygount

And you can even mix local files and remote repositories:

$ pygount ~/projects/some


Some command line arguments take patterns as values.

By default, patterns are shell patterns using *, ? and ranges like [a-z] as placeholders. Depending on your platform, the are case sensitive (Unix) or not (Mac OS, Windows).

If a pattern starts with [regex] you can specify a comma separated list of regular expressions instead using all the constructs supported by the Python regular expression syntax. Regular expressions are case sensitive unless they include a (?i) flag.

If the first actual pattern is [...], default patterns are included. Without it, defaults are ignored and only the pattern explicitly stated are taken into account.


So for example to specify that generated code can also contain the German word “generiert” in a case insensitive way use --generated="[regex][...](?i).*generiert".

Counting duplicates


By default pygount prevents multiple source files with exactly the same content to be counted again.

For two files to be considered duplicates the following conditions must be met:

  1. Both files have the same size.

  2. Both files have the same MD5 hashcode.

This allows for an efficient detection with a very small possibility for false positives.

However it also prevents detection of files with only minor differences as duplicates. Examples are files that are identical except for additional white space, empty lines or different line endings.

If you still want to count duplicates multiple times, specify --duplicates. This will also result in a minor performance gain of the analysis.

Source code encoding


When reading source code, pygount automatically detects the encoding. It uses a simple algorithm where it recognizes BOM, XML declarations such as:

<?xml encoding='cp1252'?>

and “magic” comments such as:

# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-

If the file does not have an appropriate heading, pygount attempts to read it using UTF-8. If this fails, it reads the file using a fallback encoding (by default CP1252) and ignores any encoding errors.

You can change this behavior using the --encoding option:

Pseudo languages

If a source code is not counted, the number of lines is 0 and the language shown is a pseudo language indicating the reason:

  • __binary__ - used for Binary files.

  • __duplicate__ - the source code duplicate as described at the command line option --duplicates.

  • __empty__ - the source code is an empty file with a size of 0 bytes.

  • __error__ - the source code could not be parsed e.g. due to an I/O error.

  • __generated__ - the source code is generated according to the command line option --generated.

  • __unknown__ - pygments does not provide a lexer to parse the source code.

Other information


If --verbose is specified, pygount logs detailed information about what it is doing.


To get a description of all the available command line options, run:

$ pygount --help

To get pygount’s current version number, run:

$ pygount --version